Copyright © Valerie Price Jones and The Healing and Peace Group 2011 - 2018

The Website for the         Healing and Peace Group Limited


More Inspiration


This is the moment The Healing & Peace Group was born for –

the moment when we ordinary people can make a difference.

A real difference for the future of our world, of the world of

our children and our children’s children

We all, patients and healers, need to put aside our personal judgements and ask the Source for the maximum possible

potential in this world situation….

for the very best of what is possible to be what occurs –

in accordance with need and Divine Will.

We need to be disciplined in our responses and reactions

to the ever changing news,

remaining “on duty”, earthed, Connected up, aware.

Focused on fulfilling our commitment, on doing the Work,

keeping the Light burning brightly.

Using our individual method of choice, Meditation, Prayer,

Absent Healing, we have a most important job to do as part of

the great Network that operates across the planet.

Guidance received by Valerie Wooding (16,2,03),

with a request to circulate it where possible.

Genesis Poem

Tempted with freedom by the willing snake,

Desiring knowledge and a conscious state,

To understand before the time was right,

Woman over-reached and caused the night.

The rift of separation blew their mind

And once occluded, now they both were blind.

Confusion came, the power to decide;

Alone they could not cross the great divide.

Fearing God’s wrath, now parted from his love,

They saw themselves below and Him above.

They chose life as unclean, with guilt and shame,

And so came hiding bought with death and pain.

But in her dwelt one half the perfect whole

Whose need to re-unite meant she was ruled.

Not knowing who she was or yet could be

She felt the bond with longing to be free.

It was through love in arrogance she fell,

Occluded then as now, to earth bound hell.

But in her womb, life struggled cell by cell

That Love, through love, in each of us should dwell.

The time is here, the quest is nearly done,

Healer of wounds, the moon draws near the sun,

To meet and merge, return to All-in-One

And when we heal and pray, then peace is won.

Received intact 1985, this piece was channelled on a train from Manchester to Edinburgh

Picture Courtesy of Ian Holmes Lewis
